BREAKING NEWS! Green Fees is live!

Green Fees: Merit Bridges Legal Thriller #3 publication day has arrived! Click here to pick up a copy! I’m excited to announce that Green Fees is live online and in book stores! This is the third book in the series and was the most fun to write. The characters moved into my office and would not let go until I […]

Hi Y’all, As of today, MUSIC NOTES: TEXAS LADY LAWYER VS L.A. BARON is available for purchase on Amazon and will soon available in bookstores everywhere! Here’s an excerpt to pique your interest. If you like what you’re reading, CLICK HERE to order. Happy Reading, Manning Liam got up, picked up his Strat, and […]
Music Notes Pub Day Announced

Hi friends, I’m excited to announce that Music Notes: Texas Lady Lawyer vs L.A. Baron will be out NEXT Friday, November 24th. Here is an excerpt to give you a taste. Happy Reading, Manning Ag Malone went into the District Clerk’s office and asked to research the divorce records. He quickly found Louellen Bell Pounder and George […]
ThrillerFest XII – NYC Recap

Hi Y’all, I just got back to Austin after spending the last few weeks in New York City for ThrillerFest XII and meeting with a number of authors and others in the publishing world. No matter how many times I’ve been to NYC, I always have to take a few days to visit my favorite […]
Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow

Hi Ya’ll, A few months back we started a new series for legal thriller lovers! Each month we discuss a new book and talk about a legal issue or crime that was presented in the book. This month’s selection is Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow. Presumption of Innocence Scott Turow’s Presumed Innocent is the novel that launched his career as […]
Coming Soon! Cover Reveal Inside!

Hi Y’all, I’m thrilled to finally introduce you to the cover for Music Notes: Texas Lady Lawyer vs L.A. Baron! Thanks to everyone who voted in the cover contest. In Music Notes, the second in the Texas Lady Lawyer Series, Merit goes up against a powerhouse in the music biz who threatens all she holds dear. Betty, […]
The Last Best Hope by Ed McBain

Hi Ya’ll, A few months back we started a new series for legal thriller lovers! Each month we discuss a new book and talk about a legal issue or crime that was presented in the book. This month’s selection is The Last Best Hope by Ed McBain. Divorcing a Missing Spouse Ed McBain’s Last Best Hope, is one of […]
Texas Lady Lawyer’s Favorite Things

Hi Y’all, As you know from Dollar Signs, Merit is a woman who likes what she likes and knows what she wants. She loves art, fashion, wine, and men. Today, she has put together a list of some of her favorite things to share! #1. Favorite Scarf #2. Favorite Shampoo & Conditioner #3. Favorite Business […]
The Whistler by John Grisham

Hi Ya’ll, Last month we started a new series for legal thriller lovers! We’ll be discussing a new book each month and talking about a legal issue or crime that was presented in the book. This month’s selection is The Whistler by John Grisham. In The Whistler, Grisham’s plot involves skimming in a Florida Indian Casino. Law covering […]
Books of the Future?

Hi Y’all, If you view Harry Hunsicker’s new book, The Devil’s Country, on Amazon, at first you’ll see an open road with mountain scenery in the background but then a car zooms across the cover, leaving dust in its trail! Kindle has released a new feature called Kindle in Motion, a format that adds GIF-like animations that […]